Pinjaman Investasi merupakan produk pinjaman yang kami tujukan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembelian gudang, kantor dan mesin usaha.


√ Proses mudah dan cepat

√ Bunga Bersaing

Kriteria Umur : minimal 21 tahun pada saat pengajuan dan maksimal 65 tahun pada saat pengajuan.

Fitur Produk

Tujuan Pinjaman : Untuk membiayai kebutuhan konsumtif dan usaha .

Limit Pinjaman > Rp 10 juta s.d Rp 500 juta.

Debitur eksisting yang memenuhi kriteria, diperkenankan top-up (sesuai review koperasi)

Jangka Waktu : Maksimal 36(tiga puluh enam) bulan

Valuta : Rupiah

Sifat Pinjaman : Non Revolving

Suku bunga : 2% -2,5% Flat per bulan

Provisi dan Biaya administrasi : 4% dari limit pinjaman

Biaya lainnya :

  • Biaya materai sesuai ketentuan dan pemakaian.
  • Biaya premi asuransi kerugian dan asuransi jiwa.
  • Biaya yang timbul dibebankan kepada calon debitur dan harus dibayar paling lambat pada saat penandatanganan Perjanjian Pinjaman.
  • Biaya–biaya yang telah disetorkan, tidak dapat ditarik kembali oleh sebab apapun.
  • Biaya notaris atas pengikatan jaminan

Sistem Pembayaran : Bulanan dan mingguan

Agunan Pinjaman

  • Tanah dan bangunan
  • BPKB kendaraan bermotor roda dua / roda empat
  • Kendaraan usaha

Pengamanan pinjaman :

  • Obyek yang dibiayai
  • Nilai Agunan kebendaan minimal 125% dari limit Pinjaman (maksimal LTV 125%)

Status agunan yang dapat diterima adalah:

  • Atas nama calon debitur atau istri/suami calon debitur.
  • Agunan milik pihak ketiga sesuai dengan ketentuan dan persayratan dari koperasi.
  • Agunan berupa stock/ persediaan menggunakan surat kuasa menjual dibawah tangan.
  • Agunan kebendaan berupa kendaraan bermotor minimal dengan surat kuasa menjual dibawah tangan dan dapat dilakukan blokir BPKB.


Denda keterlambatan pembayaran angsuran Pinjaman (pokok dan bunga) sebesar 2% di atas suku bunga yang berlaku dan dihitung dari jumlah tunggakan.

Pelunasan Dipercepat sebagian atau seluruh sisa Pinjaman.

Pelunasan sebagian Pinjaman sebelum jatuh tempo diperkenankan, namun dikenakan denda sebesar 4% dari baki debet yang dilunasi.

Pelunasan seluruh Pinjaman sebelum jatuh tempo diperkenankan dengan ketentuan :

  • Dilakukan pada saat tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran angsuran bulanan.
  • Pelunasan seluruh Pinjaman sebelum jatuh tempo akan dikenakan denda sebesar 3% dari baki debet
  • Biaya administrasi pelunasan seluruhnya sebesar 6% dari baki debet
  • Bila tanggal pelunasan tidak sama dengan tanggal jatuh tempo pembayaran angsuran bulanan, maka perhitungan pelunasan seluruhnya sebelum jatuh tempo didasarkan kepada baki debet periode berjalan ditambah bunga berjalan.

Persyaratan dokumen :

  1. Melampirkan bukti diri berupa Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) suami istri , Kartu Keluarga (KK) serta Surat Nikah (bagi yang menikah) atau Surat Cerai (bagi yang berstatus cerai).
  2. Pinjaman diatas Rp 50 juta dipersyaratkan NPWP.
  3. Surat Keterangan Usaha dari Desa/Kelurahan, Dinas Pasar atau Otorita setempat dimana yang bersangkutan memiliki usaha atau Surat Ijin Usaha.
  4. Diwajibkan menjadi anggota koperasi TC Invest atas nama yang bersangkutan.
  5. Foto copy sertifikat jaminan ,imb dan pbb trakhir
  6. Foto copy bpkb dan stnk (jika jaminan kendaraan)
  7. Copy rekening koran dan tabungan 3 bulan terakhir
  8. Fotocopy dan rekening listrik/ pam terakhir
  9. Surat keterangan kerja asli
  10. Slip gaji asli bulan terkahir atau surat keterangan penghasilan (karyawan)
  11. Foto 4×6 2 lembar
  12. Foto copy laporan keuangan in house

Informasi lebih lanjut:

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai produk-produk kami, silahkan anda hubungi Customer Care TCI di (021) 223 46 427

Investment Loan

Investment Loan is a loan product in which the aim is to meet the needs of warehouse, office
and business machine.

√ The process is easy and fast
√ Competitive Interest

Age Criteria: a minimum of 21 years old and a maximum of 65 years at the time of submission.

Product Features
Loan Objectives: To finance consumptive and business needs.
Loan Limit > IDR 10 million until IDR 500 million.
Existing borrowers who meet the criteria, are allowed to top-up (as per the cooperative review)
Duration: Maximum of 36 (thirty six) months
Currency: Rupiah
Nature of Loans: Non Revolving
Interest rate: 2% – 2.5% Flat per month
Provision and Administration Fee: 4% of the loan limit

Other costs:

  • Fees for stamps in accordance with the usage.
  • The cost of demage insurance and life insurance.
  • Expenses incurred are borne by the debtor and must be paid at least by the time of signing
    the Loan Agreement.
  • Fees that have been deposited, can not be withdrawn by any cause.
  • Notary fees for guarantee binding

Payment System: Monthly and weekly

Loan Collateral:

• Real property
• Legal copy of certificate of ownership (BPKB) of motor vehicles
• Business machine

Credit Security:

• Objects that are financed
• Collateral value of at least 125% of Loan limit (max. 125% LTV)

Acceptable collateral status is:
• On behalf of a prospective debtor or wife / husband of a prospective debtor.
• Collateral owned by a third party in accordance with the provisions and obligations of the
• Collateral in the form of stock / inventory using power of attorney selling under the hand.
• Collateral material in the form of a minimum motor vehicle with a power of attorney sell
under the hands and can be blocked BPKB.

Fines for late payment of Loan (principal and interest) installments of 2% above the
prevailing interest rate and calculated from the amount of arrears.

Repayment Accelerated part or all of the remaining Loan.

Partial repayment Loans before maturity are permitted, but are subject to a fine of 4% of the outstanding debits

Repayment of all Loans prior to maturity is permitted under the following conditions:

• Performed on the due date of monthly installment payment.
• Repayment of all Loans before maturity will be subject to a fine of 3% of the outstanding balance
• The redemption administration fee is 6% of the outstanding balance
• If the repayment date is not the same as the monthly installment payment due date, the full repayment before maturity is based on the outstanding balance of the current period plus the current interest

Document requirements:
1. Attach proof of self in the form of identity card (KTP) husband and wife, Family Card
(KK) and Marriage Letter (for a married person) or Divorce Letter (for a divorced person).
2. Loans above Rp. 50 million are required to use NPWP.
3. Certificate of Business from the Village / Sub-District, the Market Office or the local
Authority where the concerned has business or Business License.
4. Required to become a member of the TC Invest on
behalf of the person concerned.
5. Photocopy of warranty certificate, IMB and the latest PBB
6. Copy of BPKB and STNK (if vehicle to be warranted)
7. Copy of bank statements and savings for the last 3 months
8. Copy of last electricity / water usage (PAM)
9. Original employment certificate
10. Original monthly salary of the last month or income certificate (employee)
11. Photo 4 × 6, 2 sheets
12. Photocopy of in-house financial statements

Further information :
For more information about our products, please contact our Customer Care at (021) 223 46 427